Harm Reduction Works

For our client »Eurasian Harm Reduction Network« (EHRN) we developed a corporate design for a program and funding campaign titled »Harm Reduction Works«. 

EHRN is an alliance of harm reduction programs in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia that works to advocate for the universal human rights of people, who use drugs and to protect their lives and health. EHRN’s mission is to promote humane, evidence-based harm reduction approaches to drug use, with the aim of improving health and protecting human rights at the individual, community, and societal level. 

The challenge was working with 8 different languages, most of them we don’t speak, some of them we are not even able to read. The project included logo design, stationery, presentation templates, styleguide, image film, print campaign, merchandise, event media. Portrait Photography: Olivier Hess. Year: 2014/15

Corporate Design für die Funding- und Awarenesskampagne »Harm Reduction Works« des Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN). Die Besonderheit dieses Projekts war es, für den gesamten Osteuro­päischen Raum gültig zu sein, d.h. das Logo und den Claim in acht Sprachen zu gestalten.

Das Projekt umfasste Logo Entwicklung, Gestaltung von Geschäftsausstattung und Präsentationen, Image Film, Plakate und eine Vielzahl an veranstaltungsbegleitenden Medien. Portrait Photography:
Olivier Hess. Jahr: 2014/15
